Dealing with Axiety while Travelling

me without a care in the world at 7 am after a night of dancing with the best people ever in south Thailand

Dealing with anxiety while travelling is difficult but not impossible! And it can still be enjoyable and the best trip of your life! Here is a guide for how to get the most out of your travels if you struggle with anxiety

My Practical tips!

  • Bring Headphones

It’s amazing how much playing music can change your mood. I often found playing music that made me excited would distract me, take me out of the anxiety bubble where I can’t think of anything else and help me to enjoy the moment more. And to remind me that I was living my best life!!

  • Have stuff downloaded

Sometimes distraction is a great way to settle anxiety short term or in the moment. I always made sure I had comfort shows (aka Friends) downloaded on Netflix, and podcasts and meditations downloaded on Spotify. This was really helpful in the evenings in hostels to chill out before going to sleep and also on long travel journeys on buses etc.

  • Bring whatever helps you at home

Ignore the people who tell you to embrace your inner minimalist and bring your comforts! Obviously, there is a risk of losing anything when you go travelling, but that is the same as anywhere, just make sure you have a designated place for it in your rucksack and you should be ok! I was worried about bringing my iPad but I was SO thankful that I brought it with me.

how to ease anxiety while you’re out there

  • Sleep!

sometimes it is hard to get consistent full nights of sleep in when you are travelling, especially when you are often taking sleeper buses and travelling at a fast pace, but if you’re finding yourself feeling particularly anxious, try adjusting your pace and make sure you’re getting a good 8 hours of sleep each night for a bit.

  • Talk to someone

if you are travelling with another person, tell them you’re feeling anxious and try to explain what makes it better/ worse. I don’t think it ever hurts to have someone telling you it’s going to be okay. If you aren’t travelling with someone, having someone back home who you trust knowing you’re going travelling can also help. Even if they are on the other side of the world, having a familiar face and voice tell you everything will be ok can greatly help feelings of anxiety when you are travelling

  • Practice mindfulness

Mindfulness is great for helping to ease anxiety anywhere but it can be particularly effective when you’re travelling. At times when you find yourself feeling anxious, bring yourself back into the present moment and focus on what is around you. Most of the time it will probably be amazing, and even if it is a boring travel day, I can guarantee it is an environment you haven’t found yourself in before, so use all your senses to ground yourself and take in the moment. Also, remind yourself that you will never be in that place again so try your best to embrace it, even though it is hard

  • Don’t put pressure on yourself to feel ok all the time

Travelling is no holiday, and it is hard! But that is what makes it such an adventure and something that you will look back on and feel so grateful for. Don’t beat yourself up for feeling anxious, A because that will only make your anxiety worse, and B because it’s ok. I can guarantee you ‘won’t be the only one feeling that at times, even if everyone around you seems to be living their best life 24/7. If you need to take an entire day or two days to recharge and relax that’s fine, everyone is different and this is YOUR trip so do what you need.

helpful anxiety reminders

  • The anxiety you’re feeling is temporary, it will pass eventually.
  • The alternative is not much worse – aka not going travelling and living with the feeling of regret
  • Acknowledge the anxiety and let it be, don’t pay it attention, just ride it out.
  • You are not on your own – there are SO many other travellers around you who will be experiencing the same feelings.

How to help prevent anxiety when travelling

  • Build up your mental strength before you come out

Make sure you are eating well, getting enough sleep, doing self-care and just being kind to yourself before you leave. Maybe this is in the form of journaling, practising mindfulness, doing exercise, yoga, and seeing friends. Being in a good place mentally before you leave is essential, as despite what social media may portray, travelling won’t fix issues you have prior to going.

  • Have a week before to prepare

Take this from someone who went from uni to girl’s holiday, to exams, to travelling without breaks, that you want some time beforehand! Have a week before to just sort your stuff out, relax, build your mental resilience up and look forward to the trip of your life! You don’t want to be burnt out before you travel.